Lunascope for Week of Oct 16 – 21, 2023

As the Moon cycles through each of the signs and your personal houses each month (every 28 days) it’s energy can help you to establish emotional intelligence and to regulate your emotional well-being.

The Moon can help bring to the surface areas of your life where you need more work. Or can also make you more emotionally sensitive to topics or situations related to these areas of your life.  It can be a great time to do some shadow work or deeper introspection regarding these personal areas. You can also use this time to clear away what’s not working for you in these areas. And finally it’s good to know what’s going on lunarally, so that if you become emotionally sensitive you can remember “It’s just a phase”, this too shall pass.

This week the Moon transits through Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

Scorpio Energy (Oct 15 – 17)
As the Moon moves through Scorpio, the sign of deeper insights and intuition. Our intuition will be heightened. Now is the time to LISTEN. Take more time to be mindful, to meditate or to reconnect with nature. It’s time to stop asking and to move into the receiving mode so that we can hear the guidance we’ve been asking for.
Scorpio energy is intense and is not satisfied with surface level answers or topics. It wants to delve deep and get to the bottom of things. Be aware that not everyone will share your passion for wanting to go deep this week. Don’t take it as a personal insult if those that wish to remain at the surface don’t choose to go deep with you this week.
Sagittarius Energy (Oct 17 – 19)
Optimistic, upbeat and creative! Let this fiery energy show you where your passions lie. It will feel important to you to reconnect to your inner fire and creativity this week. Find something creative to do! It’s time to bring something new into this world. Dance, sing, write, laugh, create art, scream a new octave…whatever makes you feel alive!
Capricorn Energy (Oct 20 – 21)
Capricorns don’t give up! You’ve enjoyed going deep, getting creative…and now you might be feeling like a nap towards the end of the week. Nap if you must, but don’t let the need for wanting to slow things down cause you to want to abandon or give up on a task, goal or dream. Capricorn energy is urging you to keep going, stay the path. Find a more satisfying way to do what needs to get done.
The need to succeed keeps you going, but remember Capricorn energy is slow and steady. So just keep going!

Which House is the Moon in for You?

Tracking which houses the Moon is moving through can also shed some light on which areas of your life might be more strongly affected by the Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn energies mentioned above.

For the most accurate house reading find the Lunascope for your rising sign.

The Moon moves through your 2nd, 3rd and 4th houses this week. Money, Communication and Family will be important to you this week.
The Moon moves through your 1st, 2nd and 3rd houses this week. Self, Money and Communication will be important to you this week.
The Moon moves through your 1st, 2nd and 12th houses this week. Self, Money and Closure/Healing will be important to you this week.
The Moon moves through your 1st, 11th and 12th houses this week. Self, Healing and Friendships/Networking will be important to you this week.
The Moon moves through your 10th, 11th and 12th houses this week.  Your career, humanitarianism and tying up loose ends will be important to you this week.
The Moon moves through your 9th, 10th and 11th houses this week. Philosophical matters, your social image and your dreams and wishes for the future will be important for you this week.
The Moon moves through your 8th, 9th and 10th houses this week. Intimacy and relations with others, established systems and long term goals will be important for you this week.
The Moon moves through your 7th, 8th and 9th houses this week. Relationships, assets and travel will be important for you this week.
The Moon moves through your 6th, 7th and 8th houses this week. Health, equality and sex will be important to you this week.
The Moon moves through your 5th, 6th and 7th houses this week. Affairs of the heart, your sense of usefulness and joint ventures will be important for you this week.
The Moon moves through your 4th, 5th and 6th houses this week. Self-care, self-expression and your health/fitness will be important to you this week.
The Moon moves through your 3rd, 4th and 5th houses this week. The thinking mind (avoid overthinking), family and romance will be important to you this week.